Trace Fossils Review
We are, above all else, a study in preservation. As kids, we were taught that writing had to be contained— it took many years and frustrations to come to terms with the messiness of pure, desperate creation. Trace Fossils Review was started with the mission to collect this mess, to publish work that identifies the creator as intimately as their own handprint— the art in wake of the artist.
Jessie Leitzel was born in the mountains of Pennsylvania and raised in Charleston, SC. They are a YoungArts award winner with distinction, a 2024 Presidential Scholar in the Arts, and a gold medalist of the Scholastic Writing Awards. Leitzel’s work has been featured in Rattle, The Interlochen Review, Beyond Queer Words, Lucky Jefferson, Jasper Magazine, and more. Pieces from their debut collection, The Small Hours, have been recognized by YoungArts, the Poetry Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. A researcher of regenerative medicine, Leitzel studies biomedical engineering at Harvard College.
Elliott Kate's work has been published in Canvas Literary Journal and Writing South Carolina, has been nationally recognized in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and recently placed second in the Leonard L. Milberg ’53 High School Poetry Prize. She has yet to find any words to define herself by, or a suitable “is” statement to structure her bio around, but she can frequently be found foraging for strange items at nearby thrift stores, making room for more books, and getting very excited about birds.
Co-founding Editor
Elliott Kate
Co-founding Editor
Linda Garziera is a writer and explorer of cultures. Born in Milan, Italy, and raised in England, her work has been recognized by the Atlantic Institute and regional Scholastic Writing Awards since her recent move to the United States. Although her love of linguistics began in a Beatrix-Potter town, it has been molded by South Carolina's marshes, drip coffee and Goodwill runs. She continues to uproot her experience of an international heritage in an attempt to curate a home in her writing, a dwelling place for herself and others of undefined origins.
Head Editor, Chief of Communications
Head Editor,
Merrik Moriarty is a writer, artist, and archivist of ordinary things. Her work has been published in the South Carolina Honors College’s Writing South Carolina, as well as being recognized in the Scholastic Writing Awards. Having grown up lost in fantasy worlds, she enjoys writing odd characters and semi-magical novel manuscripts. When not caught in her mind attic, she can probably be found taping little paper things into her journal, making elaborate tea drinks, and reveling in the fact that she shares her last name with literature’s favorite villain.
Social Media Manager
Braeden LaRoche is quite prone to art-making and study of art and art history. His paintings, which have received Scholastic awards and been featured in Astrovitae, explore the speculative life of other worlds, taking inspiration from the natural sciences and the fascinating complexities of Earth’s nature. He experiments in writing across forms and genres. His personal studies neglect few disciplines but place emphasis on political science and philosophy, also delighting in the strange and obscure. Find his art @twisting.depths on Instagram.
Head Art Editor
Sophia Stadalsky is an artist and creative. Her work has won gold keys from the Scholastic Art Awards, along with numerous exhibit ribbons from the Coastal Carolina Fair. Myriad by nature, she is often scavenging for small scraps to use in multimedia pieces, recycled from older works to give them new life. When ignoring the art that actually needs doing, she likes to make jewelery on her couch and may be found toiling away in her dance studio.
Art Editor
Bella Cosentino is a writer and artist. Her work has been published in Rattle Young Poets Anthology and Sad Girls Club, she has received numerous Scholastic Writing awards, and she was a runner up in the South Carolina Honors College's Writing South Carolina. When between poems, she can be found working as a waitress, tacking pictures to the wall, and eating pie. When in doubt, she lets her dog lead the way.
We are a passionate collective of individuals obsessed with literature, math, science, history, and all of the liminal space in between. A shout out is due to the SOA Creative Writing Dept, whose phenomenal teachers kindled the possibilities within each of us. Deepest thanks, from this group to you.
Web Editor