Spring Issue Writers & Artists

Michael Thériault

Michael Thériault has been an Ironworker, union organizer, and union representative. He published fiction in his twenties, half a dozen stories in literary magazines, but abandoned it for decades to support first a family, then a movement. In his very recent return to it he has been published in Pacifica Literary Review, Overheard, Erato Magazine, Livina Press, Remington Review and Sky Island Journal and accepted by Iconoclast, Currant Jam, and Door Is A Jar. has published his brief memoir of Ironworker organizing. He is a graduate of St. John’s College, Santa Fe and San Francisco native and resident.

Guilherme Bergamini

Visual artist and photographic reporter, Guilherme Bergamini is Brazilian and graduated in Journalism. For more than two decades, he has developed projects with photography and the various narrative possibilities that art offers. The works of the artist dialogue between memory and social political criticism. He believes in photography as the aesthetic potential and transforming agent of society. Awarded in national and international competitions, Guilherme Bergamini participated in collective exhibitions in 54 countries.

Kimberly Hall

Kimberly Hall (she/her) is a queer and neurodivergent poet and author based in Southeast Texas. She holds a master's degree in behavioral science. Her work can be found or is upcoming in publications such as Sappho's Torque, Equinox, Wild Roof Journal, and The Ekphrastic Review. She is currently working on her first collection.

E.C. Gannon

E.C. Gannon's work has previously appeared in a few small magazines. A Bostonian by birth, she holds a degree in creative writing and political science from Florida State University. She is currently trying to stay warm in New Hampshire.

M. Tyler Tuttle

M. Tyler Tuttle (they/them) is a writer, journalist, and wandering pit demon from Baltimore, Maryland. Tyler holds a degree in Creative Writing & English from the George Washington University in Washington, DC, and is a graduate of The Loft’s Year-Long Novel Writing Project in Minneapolis, MN. Tyler’s work has been published in Cosmic Horror Monthly, Trace Fossils Review, Wooden Teeth, the Horror Over the Handlebars anthology, and multiple philanthropy journals. Their writing has been considered for the Halifax Ranch Prize for Fiction (semi-finalist, 2021), F(r)iction Magazine’s Short Story Contest (finalist, fall 2023), and “Best Original Script” at the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival (winner, 2022). You can catch up with Tyler online at or @mtylertuttle on Twitter and Instagram, where they will be documenting their journey as an incoming MFA candidate at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. If you look close—and if you’re very, very lucky—you’ll find them meandering through the wilderness with their dog Piglet, or dancing in a field somewhere, pretending to be Stevie Nicks.

Sonya Wohletz

Sonya Wohletz is a writer of poetry and creative non-fiction. Her work has appeared in Latin American Literary Review, Roanoke Review, Revolute, and others. Her first poetry collection, Bir Sira Sonra/One Row After, was published by First Matter Press in 2022.

Gia B.

When not circling the vortex of academia, Gia B. enjoys scribbling bits of nonfiction. She lives in New England but calls the South home.

Abbie Langmead (she/they) is a Sapphic Jewish writer, originally from Boston, MA. She is a recent graduate of Emerson College and will soon be attending Trinity College Dublin. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming with Quarter Press, Periphery Journal, Barbar, and others. Find them in those publications, hosting dinner parties in an apartment too crowded for the amount of people she invited, or exploring cities both familiar and new.

Abbie Langmead

Mary McColley

Mary McColley is a writer and poet originally from Maine. She has wandered and worked for a number of years in France, Thailand, and Palestine. Her pastimes include killing lobsters and selling street art.

Paul Deleon

Paul Deleon is a multi-media artist from Florida who is currently studying at New World School of the Arts. His works serve as an expression of his experiences with being transgender. As a youth who grew up closeted for all his life, he found solace in creating artworks that communicated his experiences when he couldn’t say anything himself. He strives to use his art to speak in a way he can’t and potentially reach those who may be in a similar situation and resonate with his work. He’s now determined to create a bright future for himself as he continues to pursue art as he goes into college with a more authentic life.

Ashani Lillie